So I've been in a long distance relationship with this couch for quite awhile now. The flirtation began when I got my Cb2 catalog in the mail last year which then lead me to the website. I guess I will have to admit that this started as an online relationship, of which I am not ashamed, anyone who is anyone uses modern technology to date. I really fell hard for the look of the piazza sofa. Really inviting, a handsome photo and an intriguing profile. Hmmm. Wait, I already have a couch. Moving on.
At the time the only Cb2 on the west coast was in San Francisco so it was safe to say that we'd just have to see how this long distance thing would work. I was sure it was doomed.
However, back in October, I had a freelance job that took me to San Francisco and the most exciting part of visiting there for the first time was the opportunity to see the Cb2 and the beautiful piazza sofa.
Yes, I'm aware there is other stuff but I am really focused people.
I found my way there the first day. Leigh Anne, one of my top shoppingmates, was with me. (She is an uberpractical girl who somehow manages to maintain a savings acount AND be really fashionable. It is admirable). We took a turn around the coveted Cb2 and all its super hip cuteness when there it was: The piazza sofa with its irresistable "come hither" cushiness. After all this time of online coquetry we were finally face to face.
Let me tell you, it did not disappoint. I am not kidding when I say this is the most comfortable couch I have had the pleasure to sit on. It is the kind of couch that you can fantasize doing everything with. I know it is against the "rules" but I could see our whole life together.
I had no intention of cheating on my couch but these things happen. I am really glad I wasn't alone or I would have bought it on the spot and had it shipped home creating an Agamemnon, Cassandra, Clytaemnestra type scene that would have been ugly. Not to mention a $1300 impulse buy would have been a record breaker. It took all my strength but I finally decided I was going to have to let it go.
We saw each other every day until I sadly took my leave. When I got home I couldn't stop thinking about the piazza. It was a wistful, bittersweet, Bridges of Madison County thing.
So imagine my surprise when I learned the piazza was coming to LA! I haven't seen it yet. I am so nervous that it will just be too painful. There is still so much that keeps us apart (like $1300.00 to be specific). I'm going to go eventually. It will be good for me. Maybe I'll find out it isn't everything I remember. Maybe. There is a bamboo bathmat that I am determined to purchase. It is like $20.00.
I know I'm settling you don't have to tell me.
Follow the link with caution, lest you get your heart broken.
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