It is Mother's Day and I managed to actually call my mother before she was in bed. Procrastination is not your friend when you live in different time zones and your mom goes to bed by 9PM so she can get up at some obnoxious hour in the morning to go to the Junior High where she is everyone's favorite secretary. I really should start calling her before I go to bed as she is probably up making coffee.
Mom: Oh, Krista! I dyed the front of my hair purple. Well, I mean I didn't, the hair dresser did.
Me: Oh my god! I am so impressed with you. Wait, she did it on purpose, right?
Mom: Yes! And I just love it.
Me: Holy shit, you are blowing my mind and again, I'm so impressed!
Mom: Well, I've been thinking about it for a long time now, I wanted to dye that part in front that has a little grey in it, a color. I was thinking green. But then I thought purple! You know there is a girl at school and her mom dyes pieces of her hair pink and blue and she's so cute, so I told her, Whitney, you are my hero. I think I'm going to dye the front of my hair purple. And the girl at the salon is so cool, you know she has piercing and that kind of thing. When I told her what I wanted, she got so excited, she didn't even charge me! It is a little subtle because my hair is so dark. You know your dad didn't even notice, but I'm going to go back and make it a little more obvious. Oh, thank you so much for the Macy's gift card.
Ok, I did NOT see that coming. I guess if I really think about it I shouldn't be surprised at all. This is the same woman who allowed me to go to school dressed like a pilgrim. She also never hindered my desire to wear cardboard wings with glitter, tiaras any day of the week and outfits that weren't anywhere near the realm of "matching." My love of shopping comes directly from her and she'll wear a brightly colored eyeshadow with the best of 'em. So why is it that I cannot pick my jaw up off of the floor?
After some introspection I have come to the conclusion that I cannot believe my mother has trumped me! I really am very proud of her. She sounded happier than I have heard her in a long time (she didn't even say the word "worry" once). She is living the style therapist philosophy. I should be thrilled.
But I am so jealous!
I really have to step it up. I mean, I am boring by comparison and I truly don't know how I let that happen. I got lazy and soft. I feel like I'm middle of the road, beige...SAFE! Ugh. I am so mad at myself right now. I look around and I've got NOTHING that can compare to purple hair. NOTHING!
The gauntlet has been thrown down.
By my mother.
Well, game on, mom...game on.
To be honest, I'm not sure what bothers me more. The fact that my mother has awesome purple hair, or that her style hero is a 7th grader.
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