Kim is in town and we have all sorts of goals during our time together. She was on the hunt for an "Off Fan" thing that you clip to yourself and it apparently emits bug spray without you having to wear any. It sounds like it creates a bug repellent aura around you. Neat. Apparently they flew off the shelves in Illinois. So it became a quest for her to find it. It isn't even for her but for someone else. I, of course, completely understand that nagging "I have to find this" feeling and the sense of personal challenge it can bring. I was recently challenged to find a discontinued shade of OPI (actually for Kim) and I scoured the city and then online to find it. That feeling of satisfaction when you accomplish a shopping mission is unparalleled.
We found the Off Fan at the first place we looked. It was the last one on the shelf, which made the victory even sweeter. It was an exciting moment in the Rite Aid for her. I was also elated because I love nothing more than being a part of the moment of success. Contrary to popular belief, shopping is, in fact, a team sport and I get points for the assist.
That being said, I'm extremely wary of the fashion choice of clipping a (not so small) fan to your outfit. I can see sitting next to it at a bbq, but clipping it to yourself? Ummmm, no. Now I will admit that zillions of people must disagree since this item is so hard to find. However, I will say in support of my case, I have never seen anyone actually wearing the fan. You would think that a hard to find item would mean that you are seeing people all over the place wearing their battery operated, personal fans.
"OMG where did you find that? I can't get one anywhere. Not even on Ebay."
"you know I got lucky. A friend of a friend works at a place that had some accidentally delivered there and she held one for me."
"I got mine on the black market and I paid wayyyyy to much for it. But totally worth it."
"Listen, I got in on the ground floor. I've always been ahead of my time when it comes to bug repellent and fashion fans."
Well, it looks like I missed out and will have to stick to the old fashion sprays. My picks: Skin So Soft (for you and your dog) or Flea the Scene (insect repellent and sunscreen for the pup).
Yes. I'm alive...Here is a long overdue dolly update
7 months ago
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