Krista: These colors look amazing. The reds are so intense. If you ignore my back fat, this is a really good picture.
Bernie: What are you talking about? Shut up.
Sandi: Oh my god look at that one. I have a chin thing. We can’t keep that one.
Krista: And more backfat, yeah that one should go.
Bernie: It looks good. My photography teacher did say not to show the pictures to the subjects.
Krista: Why?
Bernie: Gee, I wonder.
Sandi: That one is ok, I look kind of cute there.
Krista: You do. That is a keeper.
Krista: What am I doing with my face? Delete.
Bernie: What? Where?
Sandi: Jesus that is a giant leg. Delete.
Bernie: how about this one? Is your leg ok in that one?
Sandi: Yes. I look hot in that one.
Bernie: I think this whole series is good. What about this one? Leg?
Sandi: No! Delete
Krista: That is just goofy. Keep that one it is kind of funny.
Bernie: This is blurry in the wrong places.
Krista: But my arm looks good. Keep.
Bad hair. Delete.
Terrible smile
ooo but nice cleavage
Good arm again. That shadow is really helping
I look skinny!
It’s blurry.
But I look skinny. keep.
I’m glad I changed my shirt
This looks like we are on a set. Great color. Good work.
How cool is that?
Why am I kissing a baby foot that is coming out of her shirt. That looks weird.
It was weird when you were doing it.
Oh, it somehow didn’t feel weird.
Fat. Nope.
What’s that swank?
Oh that. Delete.
Cute. I’m adorable there.
You guys are crazy.
now that I've just laughed off the sesame chicken from lunch, allow me to say that I LOVE when you write about me... although I must ask: Does your blog make me look fat?