Purple purple purple.
For some reason purple isn't a color I wear (probably has something to do with the whole prominent vein situation). Purple and I parted ways a long while back. Now, I never said I wouldn't be seen with purple. I mean, we didn't break up or anything, we just didn't have any chemistry. So, you know, pfft.
But now I'm thinking I'd like to give it another go. Purple and I can't be totally on the outs forever. Can we?
Let's be clear about this: I'm not suddenly into purple just because it is "in" for fall. I don't jump on every trend trolley that swings through town. However, because it is "in," it is everywhere and now it is in my style consciousness. I daydream about me and purple hanging out, possibly going to a party. The inherent virtue of purple is why I want to reexamine my relationship with purple. It has nothing to do with popularity.
Oh, let's face it. I'm susceptible to the siren song of collective desire.
What's a girl to do? There has to be some way I can work this out.
I think I'm going to start a small flirtation, maybe eyeliner and shoes; a casual coffee drink together. If all goes well perhaps we'll heat things up with some eggplant colored pants; perchance we shall get a little drunk together. Could be fun.
But listen, I'm not looking for anything serious so don't get too clingy. I'm going to be honest, I still have a thing going with orange and gold. No hurt feelings right?
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