I am not a fan of reality television. I don't really like competitive things. I always feel really bad for the person (or team) that tries really hard but loses.
I've been told that I would love Project Runway so I gave it a try this season and I have to say I'm in. I admire people who can sew. It is an amazing skill. And that people can dream something up, create a design and then bring it into reality is thrilling. I hate that people get kicked off the show, however. It seems unfair. Now I realize that if you somehow manage to make a model look bad then you probably deserve to get booted. It isn't like you have some big thighs and short legs to dress, it's a model for god's sake. Yet, I still don't like that "they're out." I mean, they actually created something and that should count. How do we know that they aren't going to come up with something brilliant the next time around. I'm not really sure how to do it so that there are winners but really no losers. I'm pretty sure that doesn't make for "good television" though. Most people I talk to seem to love watching people get kicked off. Not me. I'm not sure what that's about.
I'll keep watching because I do like to see creative minds at work.
And Heidi Klum's outfits are fantastic.
Yes. I'm alive...Here is a long overdue dolly update
9 months ago
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