I love being aware of the forces going on around me and having an explanation for all the things that are getting fucked up. My computer stopped working for no apparent reason, I witnessed a motorcycle crashing into a minivan, and Newshead and I have had a number of miscommunications (bickerings) this month just to name a few examples. Normally these things would drive me over the edge. However, knowing it is M retro really makes it all better. I can let it go. There is no "why oh why is this happening?" frustration that can spin you into madness. It is just Mercury doing its thing. No big. It is a planetary scapegoat and it is the greatest.
My favorite part about Mercury being retrograde is saying it every time something happens. I think everyone around me loves it too. I'm mostly doing it to be obnoxious. The saying it out loud part. That there are so many opportunities to say it is a fact that is not lost on me. I am a true believer. There is a lot of pushing and pulling out there in the universe. There is no way we can be completely unaffected by it.
There are a lot of unexplained feelings that occur and emotions that seem disproportionate to the current situation and maybe even some crying and some yelling. Some fatigue, doubt, anxiety, overeating, hurt feelings, maybe even a splash of delusion or paranoia. Simply knowing that something out there may be contributing to it gives you a little anchor of sanity to hang onto. If you don't make too much out of it and you just hang tight, it will all right itself. Explaining the seemingly unexplainable. That is why I love Mercury retrograde.
It is like cosmic PMS.
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