A lot of my stuff gets carried over every year. I'm good with that. I don't like to feel like a failure and having incompletes on a list at the end of the year can really sour things. I never get tired of putting the same things on my list. I like to believe in endless possibility. No giving up. Losing weight has been on the list since 3rd grade, learning to draw - since 5th, learn to do a back flip flop - since 7th, do the splits - since 8th (I'm fairly certain this is going to be the year), learn about finances - since 2008. These are all making a comeback again this year.
Some things on the list obviously change according to where I am in my life. "Kiss Ricky Schroeder" was removed when Silver Spoons ended, "be a cartoon" morphed into "be the voice of a cartoon,"and "be more in control" has now become "give up control."
There are lots of exciting new things to look forward to in 2010 not the least of which is trying not to injure myself while trying to do hip hop.
I told you that Richard Schroeder was in my NMS class last semester right? I insisted on calling him Ricky... which led to the entire class calling him Ricky... which led to him signing his papers, Ricky... but come on... what good is it to be named Richard Schroeder and NOT be called Ricky?@? Screw that.