I wonder if improving my at home lounge wear will inspire me to answer the door. Probably not.
Not answering the door doesn't have so much to do with me being embarrassed by what I'm wearing (although I'll admit I should be) as much as it has to do with not wanting to have to tell someone no and have them not listen to me.
I hate hate hate it when someone is trying to sell me something or trying to con me out of money and won't take "no, thank you" for an answer. People simply will not listen to me. I've had this problem all my life. I think it's because I'm short and I look nice and therefore gullible. They think I'm an easy "get" and can't believe their ears when I say "no." I've tried toughening up my look a little. I changed my hair color and got some tough looking bangs but it isn't quite doing the trick.
The way I see it I have two choices:
1) act like a crazy bitch who seems to have little regard for her own safety much less theirs or
b) casually wear a gun holster and a gun when I answer the door
I think a gun holster with a gun would make a great accessory to my upgraded lounge wear. Newshead says I'm not allowed to have a gun.
So for now, when someone knocks, I drop to the floor and crawl slowly around my apartment until they go away.
Yes. I'm alive...Here is a long overdue dolly update
9 months ago
gunsaren't all that crazy... what you need to do is answer the door with an axe, or a running chainsaw, or a recently beheaded chicken... or get some fake blood and poor it all over your hand and say you hate to be rude, but "No" is all you've time for...
ReplyDeleteI once answered with a really long screwdriver. By accident, of course, as I was hanging a towel bar, but after I opened the door, I realized how it might look. I was a little embarrassed at first, but then decided it was the right thing for the college kid at my front door trying to sell me books and wouldn't go away.