I got a new job.
I've worked in restaurants most of my life and yet my knowledge of food and wine is generally restricted to trying not to consume it. I've never been an adventurous eater. I'm really low end when it comes to food (I actually like grape jelly). I'm not fancy. I'm not a total country mouse, I mean, I know what a cheese plate is. I'm just saying that it has been a great challenge to try and educate myself so that I can sell this menu. This experience has caused me to come to a crushing and life altering realization...I am NOT a great server. All this time I thought I was. Turns out, nope.
I am a workhorse.
I am really sharp, I'm a prolific multi-tasker, I don't tire easily and I'm pleasant even when I'm in the weeds.
I am a great waitress.
I might even go as far as to say one of the best ever (and trust me I am aware of exactly how proud I should be of that).
I really suck at formalities and rules, exotic food, terroir and wine from every country. The whole experience has been unsettling.
It's like I don't even know me.
And that's not all. On top of all the stuff I have to learn (and act like I already knew) and the unsettling discovery that has created a fundamental shift in my whole identity...
There are NO UNIFORMS. Not even a dress code or color restrictions.
On the surface that could seem like a great thing, that is until you factor in the burden of freedom.
That, however, is a discussion for tomorrow.
Right now I have to go look up what pig trotters, ras el hanout, and lengua are.
Yes. I'm alive...Here is a long overdue dolly update
9 months ago
Ew! I think lengua is spanish for tongue...where the hell are you working?!
ReplyDeletesometimes LuLu Lambchop would get the trots... trust me... that is NOT something you should be serving