Drink a HUGE glass of water. More than you even think you can consume. If your stomach is rumbling eat a couple of antacid tablets and drink some more water.
Call a friend. Preferably one that is also on a diet and will tell you "no" in a really firm voice. Talk about how hard it is. Venting helps.
Clean your apartment. As soon as you go into the kitchen grab some cleaning supplies and start cleaning instead. Not only will you put off eating for a while longer, you will burn some calories and have a clean apartment.
Someone at a Weight Watchers meeting said she bent down and picked up magazines during commercials.
No offense, but that is really lame.
Fast forward through commercials or leave the room. No one needs to see all those delicious fast food temptations. During those intervals brag to yourself about how well you are doing. Tell yourself how proud you are for not giving in to temptation. You can't disappoint yourself after a pep talk.
Put on really tight clothing. You won't want to make yourself more uncomfortable by eating.
Brush your teeth or chew sugar free, minty gum.
Work on a project that involves your hands. Paint, make jewelry, scrapbook, assemble small things.
It is also helpful to gross yourself out. Imagine eating bugs or some other vile thing.
Don't have a "Sex in the City Marathon." While it is the greatest show ever, all they do is eat. A fact that is magnified when you watch them all in a row. Instead pick a show like "Angel" where all they eat is blood.
Go to sleep. If you just woke up, drink some nyquil and knock yourself out again. Never mind if you have things to do. You can do stuff when you are skinny.
It may sound like I'm kidding but I assure you I am not.
Happy Independence Day! Celebrate your independence from food.
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