I've come to accept that even at my age I am going to suffer some bad skin days and breakouts. Actually, let me re-phrase that, I have come to expect it. I haven't really accepted anything. Now true, Alicia Silverstone is promoting her new book, Kind Diet, where she asserts that her skin just "glows" because of her vegan choices. Her skin does look amazing and I'm positive that right after I finish the Fast track detox again next week, I will give that one a go.
I'm always on board for a new diet, I'm sorry, I mean "lifestyle."
Who knows, maybe she's right and being a healthy vegan does wonders for your skin and it has nothing at all to do with gazillions of dollars and excellent facials and expensive products. I don't know. I'm skeptical considering Dr. Perricone's difficult to follow, but ultimately successful Wrinkle Free diet is heavy on the fish and really did improve my skin. I've never lived a vegan lifestyle so I guess I can't compare it equally at this point. I wouldn't mind seeing the two battle it out on Oprah, however. His diet has tons of expensive supplements. I wonder how Alicia stacks up. It's all expensive that's for sure.
I'm still totally in. There isn't much I wouldn't try for beautiful skin.
Actually, that isn't really my point. I got a little sidetracked.
My point is, if I'm having a bad skin day, it hardly seems fair that I would also have an incredibly painful zit inside my nose as well. Ok, logically, Alicia I know that it makes sense (why is she yelling?), but in terms of fairness it seems they shouldn't both occur at the same time.
Would you rather have an incredibly painful inside the nose zit that no one can see, or an ugly but totally not painful zit on the outside of your nose?
That is my point/question.
Yes. I'm alive...Here is a long overdue dolly update
9 months ago